Here you may see the project detail from Sára‘s portfolio.

Scent Spreader for Nespresso, 2018

Nespresso is a globally recognized brand known for its coffee products, which are exclusively distributed in aluminium capsules. The aluminium capsules are designed to maintain the freshness and aroma of the coffee, providing consumers with a convenient brewing experience. The brand also emphasizes sustainability by promoting the recycling of its capsules, aligning with contemporary environmental concerns. 

When we students were asked to design a product to improve their showrooms, I realised that the convenience of the aluminium capsules means that showrooms lack the tempting aroma of coffee, often serving as a main attractor of potential buyers. Therefore, I designed a container for freshly ground coffee beans to bring out the smell. Visitors of Nespresso showrooms and shops can also intensify the fragrance with a little rake and incorporate some play.
