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Wool Project Kotatko, 2021

a creature that brings tenderness, an object of desire, and a definition of softness

The name koťátko translates kitty in the Czech language and it is often used to refer to any nice person or any cuteness or cute animal – it doesn´t have to be a kitty, in particular, to be seen as a kotatko.

This creature has a rather abstract shape so it inspires people to personalize it. The object could be a lama, or it could be a sheep but fundamentally it is neither of them – it is mainly an attempt to put the cuteness in a shape.

Kotatkos were sold on the EKA Christmas market in December of 2021. The idea was to take the opportunity of selling woollen products and to educate people in terms of wool. When I was doing my exchange in Estonia, I learned how incredibly versatile material wool is. Any shape, any woollen product can have a purpose and could be used in various ways, just for the mere fact it is wool.

For that, I wanted to present wool as a unique material worth our attention, and as a multifunctional material that can be utilized in many ways, both serious and silly.

Kotatkos were made of Estonian wool, hand-felted using felting needles. The size of a standard Kotatko is approximately 130 mm x 100 mm x 55 mm.